
is an offering by silverFox77 GmbH

Industriering 20

FL-9491 Ruggell





Authorized Representative

Oliver Oehri, lic.oec. HSG, silverFOX 77 GmbH



Boards4ESG strives to publish the content on this website as up-to-date and accurate as possible. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the timeliness, accuracy, completeness, and quality of the published information. Therefore, Boards4ESG is not liable for any material or immaterial damage arising from or in connection with the use, non-use, or misuse of the provided information or through the use of incorrector incomplete information. All content on this website is for informational purposes and should not be considered advice or recommendations.

No Liability for Links

References and links to third-party websites are outside our area of responsibility. We disclaim any responsibility for such websites. Accessing and using such websites are at the user's own risk.


The content (texts, images, videos, etc.) and structure of this website are copyrighted. Downloading or copying the content does not transfer any rights. The full or partial reproduction, electronic or other means of transmission, as well as any modifications or use for public or commercial purposes, is prohibited withoutthe prior written consent of Boards4ESG.


Privacy policy


0. Legal Notice

Boards4ESG is a product of silverFox 77 GmbH, FL-9491 Ruggell.

I. General Terms and Information

A. Basic Principle

The protection of our customers' privacy is of great importance to Boards4ESG. In the following, we outline the principles according to which we manage information that is subject to data protection via this website and applications, and for which purposes we collect and process personal data.

The websites are subject to Swiss data protection law, especially the Federal Data Protection Act (DSG), as well as, where applicable, foreign data protection law, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union (EU). The EU acknowledges that Swiss data protection law ensures adequate data protection.

Based on Article 13 of the Swiss Federal Constitution and the federal data protection provisions (Data Protection Act, DSG), every person is entitled to the protection of their privacy as well as protection from misuse of their personal data. We comply with these provisions. Personal data is treated with strict confidentiality and is neither sold to third parties nor unlawfully passed on to third parties. Inclose cooperation with our hosting providers, we strive to protect the databases as much as possible from unauthorized access, loss, misuse, or forgery. When accessing our websites, the data mentioned in the following point B is stored in log files. This usage data forms the basis for statistical, anonymous evaluations, enabling us to identify trends with which we can accordingly improve our offers.

We collect and process personal data carefully, only for the purposes described in this privacy policy, and only to the extent necessary and within the framework of applicable legal provisions. We only store personal data for as long and as far as necessary to provide our services or as we are legally obliged to.

B. Website Usage and Cookies

You can visit the website and inform yourself about our offers without disclosing personal data. We only request personal data where it is necessary for the provision of our own services and for processing bookings, requests, and orders placed with us.

When accessing our website, our system automatically captures technical information from the accessing computer. Information is collected about the internet provider and the user's IP address, the date and time of access, the browser type and its version, the operating system, websites from which the user's system accesses our website,and websites accessed by the user's system via our website. Boards4ESG uses browser cookies to simplify the use of the website and other web services and applications and to get indications for improving the information and services accessible via the website. This evaluation is done anonymously and without reference to personal data.

You can prevent the storage of cookies in your browser by restricting or disabling the storage and reading of cookies in your settings. Please note that you cannot use certain functions of our website without cookies.

C. Data Security

We protect your personal data through appropriate technical and organizational security measures and store them exclusively on secured servers. The website is secured by standard measures, in line with current technology, against loss, destruction, manipulation, as well as against access, modification, or distribution by unauthorized persons.

For security reasons and to protect the transmission of confidential content, such as logins, requests, or orders that you send to us, we use SSL or TLS encryption for our website. An encrypted connection is recognized by the change in the browser's address linefrom “http://” to “https://” and by a padlock icon in the browser line. When SSL or TLS encryption is activated, the data you transmit to us cannot be readby third parties.

II. Use of Data

When accessing our website, your data, which you provide for bookings, requests, brochure orders, newsletter registrations, or other service booking options, is automatically saved. This data is treated with strict confidentiality and is neither sold to third parties nor unlawfully passed on. We will now inform you comprehensively about the handling of your data.

A. Collection and Processing of Personal Data

You can visit our website without providing personal information. We exclusively store access data without personal reference, such as the name of your Internet Service Provider, the page from which you visit us, or the name of the requested file. We evaluate this data exclusively to improve our offer and do not draw anyconclusions about you.

Personal data is only collected if you voluntarily provide it to us as part of your bookings, requests, brochure orders, newsletter registrations, or other service booking opportunities. We use the data you provide exclusively for fulfilling and processing your booking, request, order, or registration. Boards4ESG retains the personal data collected from customers, which was collected for the purposes mentioned above, for accounting reasons, typically for 10 years after the last processing operation or as long as necessary to fulfill the contract and protect our rights. Longer statutory and administrative retention obligations or reasons for retention are reserved.

For newsletter registrations, your email address is used for our own advertising purposes until you unsubscribe from the newsletter. Such unsubscription is possible at any time. Boards4ESG uses a system for sending email newsletters equipped with functions for statistical evaluations of recipients. Only the click behavior in the email is registered to optimize the newsletter's structure and content later and thus better meet all recipients' information needs. The opening time is only recorded anonymously and is not stored in the personal profile. No further measurements or evaluations take place.

B. Email Advertising without Newsletter Subscription and Your Right to Object

If Boards4ESG has received your email address in connection with a booking, request, registration, order,or other service booking opportunity, we reserve the right to send you offers for similar services from our range by email. This serves to uphold our legitimate interests in a promotional approach to our customers. You can object to the use of your email address upon first contact and at any time by sending us a message or via a link provided in the newsletter.

C. Data Transfer to Third Parties

Personal data will only be passed on to third parties if this is necessary for the provision of services and thus for the processing and fulfilment of your booking, registration, order, request, customer satisfaction measurement and evaluation, or other services, as well as for the direct marketing activities described above.

D. Analysis Tools and Advertising

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies", text files that are stored on your computer and allow an analysis of your use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. In the event of the activation of IP anonymization on this website, your IP address will, however, be shortened by Google within member states of the European Union or in other states party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators, and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties if required by law or if third parties process this data on behalf of Google. The IP address transmitted by your browser within the scope of Google Analytics will not be merged with other Google data. You can prevent the installation of cookies by setting your browser software accordingly; however, we would like to point out that in this case, you may not be able to use all the functions of this website to their full extent. By using this website, you agree to the processing of the data collected about you by Google in the manner described above and for the aforementioned purpose.

Social Plugins
Social plugins allow you to share the content of websites on social networks. When you access a website containing such a plugin, your browser establishes a direct connection to the servers of the respective social network. As a result, the social network receives data about which website you have accessed, even if you don't have a user profile or are not logged in. If you are logged in, the social network provider can associate the visit with your account. If you interact with the plugins, the corresponding information is transmitted to the social network and stored there. Your IP address is stored in a shortened form. The collected data is directly transmitted by your browser to a server of the social network and stored at its location. You can prevent the collection and processing of data by social networks by adjusting your browser settings accordingly. If you do not want the social networks to directly assign the data collected via our websites to your user profile, you can log out before visiting our website.

Google +1
With the Google +1 button, you can publish information worldwide. The Google +1button provides you and other users with personalized content from Google and its partners. Google stores both the information that you have given +1 for content and information about the page you viewed when you clicked on +1. Your+1 can be displayed as hints along with your profile name and photo in Google services, such as in search results or in your Google profile, or else where on websites and ads on the internet. Google records information about your +1 activities to improve Google services for you and others. To use the Google +1button, you need a globally visible, public Google profile that must contain at least the name chosen for the profile. This name is used in all Google services. In some cases, this name may replace another name you used when sharing content through your Google account. The identity of your Google profile can be displayed to users who know your email address or have other identifying information about you. In addition to the above-mentioned uses, the information you provide is used in accordance with the applicable Google Privacy Policy ( Google may publish aggregated statistics about users' +1 activities or share these statistics with our users and partners, such as publishers, advertisers, or affiliated websites.

III. Rights of Customers and Visitors to the Website

You have the right to access, correct, delete, and transfer your personal data. Furthermore, you have the right to restrict the processing of your data. The exceptions mentioned in paragraph II. A (collection and processing of personal data) regarding the storage of customer information and other legal exceptions remain reserved.

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. An objection only applies for the future and does not affect the processing up to the time of the objection. If Boards4ESG can no longer provide you with the contractually agreed services due to the objection, the objection is considered a breach of contract by the customer, and Boards4ESG has the right to terminate the contract with youwithout notice. The customer's contractually entered payment obligations remainin place.

To assert these rights, you can contact the address provided in paragraph III. A (Right of Access and Contact). If Boards4ESG does not comply with applicable data protection law, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority (see paragraph III. E "Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority").

A. Right of Access and Contact
Under the Federal Data Protection Act (DSG), you have the right to free information about your stored data (Art. 8 DSG) and a right to correction (Art.5 para. 2 DSG). Requests for information can be directed to the responsible body in written as well as electronic form. If you have any questions about the collection and processing of your personal data or for requests for information and correction, please contact:

silverFOX 77 GmbH
Data Protection Officer
E-Mail: info[at]

B. Right to Object
If personal data relating to the European Union (EU) is processed in accordance with Art. 3 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on the basis of legitimate interests in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. f GDPR, there is a right to object to the processing of such data in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR, provided there are reasons a rising from a special situation or the objection is directed against direct marketing measures. In the latter case, you always have the option of objecting to the use of your data for marketing purposes with effect for the future. Please note that processing for technical reasons may take a few days.

C. Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority
The competent data protection supervisory authority for Switzerland can be contacted via the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC)(